February Wrap Up (2022)

Posted March 11, 2022 by Alana in Bookish, Monthly Wrap Up / 0 Comments

Monthly Wrap Up February 2022 (1)
February Monthly wrap up

Townsfolk and Tourists,

     This monthly wrap up is a wee bit late but here we are! February was somehow both so painfully slow and a whirlwind. I didn’t get a chance to read as much as I would like, but I did get to play some Valheim and knit on some projects.

Non-reading accomplishments: Running streak is going strong! I slowed down in February as I nursed my skankle (ankle that seems to love injuries) back from a nasty fall during an attempted 10 mi race.

The weather has been positively dreary in the PNW so most of my runs are happening on my treadmill which means a lot of reading is happening while I run.

The blog stayed fairly quiet as I worked on some behind the scenes formatting to make things easier in the future. I’m hoping to bring discussions back here at the end of March and moving forward! I did get two reviews and two spotlights out!

posts in February: 


Now, all the graphs below are pulled from my Storygraph stats. If you haven’t had a chance to check Storygraph out, I highly recommend it! And let me know if you are on there and want to link up!


Books Read: 7

Audiobooks: 0

Pages Read: 2,519

Longest: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

Shortest: Highland Lion by Celeste Barclay


 February’s Top Three List 

 ♥  Gentle Rogue  ♥  Anxious People  ♥ 

♥  Mistborn  ♥


Favorite Quote:

“Some people accept that they will never be free of their anxiety, they just learn to carry it. She tried to be one of them. She told herself that was why you should always be nice to other people, even idiots, because you never know how heavy their burden is.”  –  

Fredrik Backman, Anxious People

February Graphs

divider design
Pie Graph indicating "moods" of books read in February.
Pie graph displaying "moods" read

Once again, looking consistent with my reading “moods.” In February, I picked up some true crime that added some “dark” and “emotional” to my reading. 

Graph depicting genres read in February. Romance and Historical leading

Once again, romance is at the top of my genres. I picked up a couple historical romances in February and found myself looking for more on my library’s overdrive! 

Star rating average for february was 3.79. The bulk of my reads were four stars with a sprinkle of 2,
Graph that shows average rating of 3.79 for February

Average rating in February felt better than January’s! Granted, I didn’t read as many books but my average rating was 3.79. Five of my books were 4 star and above and I read my first five star of the year!

5 star


5 star
4.5 Star


4.5 Star
4 Star


4 Star
3 stars


3 stars
2 star


2 star
divider design

How was your reading in February? What was your favorite read?

Anonymously, Alana