Cryptonalia by Patrick Canning (ARC Review)

Posted January 6, 2022 by Alana in Book Reviews, Fantasy / 0 Comments

ARC Review Cryptonalia by Patrick Canning
Cryptonalia by Patrick Canning
Series: Cryptofauna #2
Published by Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US on November 9 2021
Genres: Dragons & Mythical Creatures, Fantasy, Fiction, Friendship, Humor, Humorous
Pages: 283
Format: eBook
Source: ARC
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Jim and his friends have just gotten the hang of the game known as Cryptofauna (in which players with special abilities influence major and minor events around the globe), when something brand new gets tossed into the mix: Cryptonalia.

Is it a festival? Some kind of deadly Olympics? Whatever it is, Cryptonalia only happens once every hundred years, and its astonishing grand prize has the potential to change everything, everywhere, forever.

Jim's stiffest competition is a woman named Praxis, who carries a five-foot longsword and has some disturbingly-reasonable points about Cryptofauna being completely evil. Jim will soon have to decide if the game that once saved his life is actually doing much more harm than good, and what he's going to do about it.

Either way, the party of the century is here, and you're invited...

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I had no idea what to expect from |Cryptofauna| (this is definitely a series to read in order) and yet it has become one of my favorite books to recommend. Particularly when a reader is looking for something different to try out. I was absolutely thrilled to hear Canning was releasing a sequel for my favorite combo. This time I was prepared with a handful of Canning books under my belt and absolutely ready to follow that lovable batch of misfits and some zany adventures.

Reviewing this series is always a challenge as the rules of Cryptofauna are fluid at best. Cryptonalia is composed of two main acts: Jim and Combo working to save a friend (book one spoiler if I reveal who) and then the Cryptonalia game itself. While I understand why it was written in parts for the story, unfortunately it really made the story feel divided. It felt like two novellas nestled together. I didn’t love that pacing issue, but really that is my only complaint.

I adore all the colorful characters that round this novel out into a funny, globe-trotting adventure. We even get to see the Earth’s Core! Canning thoughtfully addressed the fractures in the Combo. I would discuss it further but there are some spoilers for book one and I wouldn’t do that to you. Just know that Jim’s mother-hen attempts to patch the little cracks in the foundation and warmed my heart.

A couple notable things that this book has instigated: First, I can’t help but reply “F*** Boise” whenever that location is mentioned in my presence. It has lead to some odd looks and one high five (Montanan). Second, my newest knitting project is a scarf that reads “ALL HUMAN RIGHTS TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED.” I plan on wearing it during tough parenting situations.

Wrapping Cryptonalia up in a pretty, concise review is almost impossible. That’s the charm of the game Cryptofauna. Canning has a fantastic graphic that describes it best: 

“The game is logical only when it feels like it. None of the rules make much sense.” 

My advice is don’t worry about the rules too much and hold on for a fantastic, absurd romp through the world with Jim and his Combo. Cryptofauna is a delightful series that I will revisit again and continue to recommend to friends and strangers. I’m so thrilled that there will be a third to round out the story and wrap up the overarching plot. I’m not quite ready to be done with the jinns, Combos, and butterfly effect influencing that makes up the game of Cryptofauna.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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About Patrick Canning

Patrick Canning Bio Pic

PATRICK CANNING is the author of three novels, including Cryptofauna (2018), The Colonel and the Bee (2018), and his latest, Hawthorn Woods (2020). He has also published several short stories. When he isn’t writing, he enjoys playing beach volleyball, following space exploration, and losing at bar trivia. Some of his favorite authors include Bill Watterson, Liane Moriarty, David Foster Wallace, Stephen King, and Kurt Vonnegut.

Patrick lives in Los Angeles with his Australian Shepherd, Hank, who some consider to be the greatest dog of all time.

Anonymously, Alana