ARC Review: Preacher Sam by Cassondra Windwalker

Posted September 17, 2019 by Alana in Book Reviews, Mystery/Thriller/Suspense / 0 Comments

Preacher Sam by Cassondra Windwalker
Published by Black Spot Books on September 17, 2019
Genres: Amateur Sleuth, Cozy, Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective
Pages: 250
Format: eBook
Source: ARC

Confession is good for the soul.

No one is more qualified to understand the blackest hearts than a disgraced, sex-addicted former preacher who is still in love with his estranged wife. Floundering for direction and beset by the needs of his well-meaning but aggravating atheist sister and her seven-year-old son, Sam Geisler is trying to put his past behind him when the murder of one of his former parishioners by another drags him back into the world he left behind. Sam may not be Broad Ripple's favorite son, but his peculiar gift for listening has earned him the moniker murderer-whisperer, and the police need his help on what should be an open-and-shut case. Fighting for his marriage, fighting with his sister, and fighting against his own demons, Sam may be the only one who hears what the real murderer is all but shouting—but will it be enough to drive back his own darkness?

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Preacher Sam was my first time reading Cassondra Windwalker’s work and I know it won’t be my last. I was surprised by how quickly this story sucked me in. I’m not a religious person, though you could argue I can be spiritual in some broad sense if the mood strikes me. I get a bit squirrely in religious conversations and yet Preacher Sam made the topic more palatable. That said, this is about as close to Christian fiction as I’m willing to get.

A quick, engaging (almost cozy) mystery, Preacher Sam is among my top mystery reads of 2019. I was just as invested in the mystery as I was in Sam’s life. The first half of the book I had a nagging feeling that Sam was like another character I have read semi recently. It took a 3AM hour long resettle of mulling over the plot to realize Sam reminds me a bit of Jane Harper’s Aaron Falk. Sam plays a bigger role driving the story than Falk but they both have this steady, quiet demeanor while waging their own internal battles. These internal battles made for interesting additions to the plot and yet I found myself a tad frustrated with Sam.

I wish there had been a bit more character growth for Sam as his waffling was a tad repetitive but I’m confident we will see more in the next book. I am hoping that by decreeing we will see more in the next book that this will convince Ms. Windwalker to make this a series. I feel like Sam’s detective moments could have happened a bit quicker but I was still engaged in the family dynamics all the same. I did struggle a bit with the sex / porn addiction angle playing such a defining role, but I’m sure some readers will find it a bigger deal than I do but I was at a loss as to why Sam wasn’t pulling himself out of his funk a bit quicker.

By far, my favorite part of Preacher Sam is the wealth of vibrant side characters, each with their own voice. The new preacher was my favorite followed closely by Tom, Sam’s friend. I also was fond of Detective Nguyen even though he played a tiny role.

Preacher Sam was an engaging novel that proved to be so much more than just your average murder mystery. Windwalker expertly weaves a tale of redemption, faith, wolves in fancy clothing, and the horrors of everyday people placed in seemingly impossible situations. As frustrating as Sam could be, I’m still rooting for him and looking forward to seeing his growth in the future.

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About Cassondra Windwalker

Cassondra Windwalker is a poet, essayist, and novelist presently writing full-time from the southern Alaskan coast. She enjoys hearing from readers via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, smoke signals, and interstellar songs.

Anonymously, Alana

Preacher Sam
Cassondra Windwalker
Genre: Mystery
Published: September 17, 2019 (Black Spot Books)

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No one is more qualified to understand the blackest hearts than a disgraced, porn-addicted former preacher who is still in love with his estranged wife. Floundering for direction and beset by the needs of his well-meaning but aggravating atheist sister and her seven-year-old son, Sam Geisler is trying to put his past behind him when the murder of one of his former parishioners by another drags him back into the world he left behind.

Sam may not be Broadripple’s favorite son, but his peculiar gift for listening has earned him the moniker murderer-whisperer, and the police need his help on what should be an open-and-shut case. Fighting for his marriage, fighting with his sister, and fighting against his own demons, Sam may be the only one who hears what the real murderer is all but shouting—but will it be enough to drive back his own darkness?

About the Author

Cassondra Windwalker is a poet and novelist writing full time from the coast of the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. She is supported by a tolerant husband, three wandering offspring, a useless dog, and a zombie cat. Her hobbies include hiking, photography, and having other people’s demons over for tea. 


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Anonymously, Alana