Category: Science Fiction

Review: The Nexus Mirror by N.E. Michael

Review: The Nexus Mirror by N...

Posted March 26, 2020 by Alana in Book Reviews, Fantasy, Science Fiction / 0 Comments

The Nexus Mirror was a fascinating combination of dystopian, fantasy, and comic book goodness woven together into an intricate story with numerous side stories feeding into the story arc. Michael keeps a quick pace in this story almost immediately throwing readers into the chaos that ensues after Raiden stumbles into a hidden world, of sorts, and realizing that his dreams and comics are real. The author did an excellent job crafting the world, giving us the histories of each clans and their abilities. […]

Book Review: The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow (ARC)

Book Review: The Sound of Star..

Dow as woven a particularly grim version of the future. In this post-invasion Earth, the author borrows a bit of that star-crossed love trope with her character Ellie (Janelle) and Morris. The most striking part of this debut novel has to be the intricate world-building that has gone into the Ilori invaders and the state of humanity both before and after their arrival. It is a grim picture that, horrifyingly, resonates with today’s current events. One thing that Dow does […]

Book Review: Killer Domes and the Chosen One by Gibbo Gibbs

Book Review: Killer Domes and ..

Posted December 24, 2019 by Alana in Book Reviews, Science Fiction, Young Adult / 0 Comments

Gibbs has created a colorful, if at times confusing, dystopian set in a post-apocalyptic setting. I appreciated that author does just enough world-building to keep readers from being completely lost in this new world but we don’t get bombarded with insane amounts of detail. Instead, readers are treated to an interesting POV from Maz who thinks she is the hottest thing since sliced bread. Maz’s elitism stops just short of grating, thankfully, but honestly my favorite character was Hap. His […]

Review: Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan

Review: Ignite the Stars by Ma..

Ignite the Stars first popped up on my radar after I read a review from a fellow book blogger. I wish I could remember who, because I am so happy this underrated gem ended up on my TBR! I actually received a physical copy of Ignite the day after I received an ARC from Albert Whitman through Netgalley. This worked out because as soon as I finished binge-reading Ia’s story, I immediately began harassing Mr. B to read it so […]

ARC Review: Chilling Effect by Valerie Valdes

ARC Review: Chilling Effect by..

As soon as I saw Chilling Effect advertised as a mix of Firefly and Mass Effect, I knew I had to send a review request (Thank you, Harper Voyager!). Psychic cats, pompous alien emperors, and a mysterious villainous organization wreaking havoc sounds right up my alley. I’m a huge Mass Effect fan so while reading I was reminded of my favorite parts of the game. Captain Eva could definitely have been friends with my fem-Shep. Irreverant, kick-ass, and a bit […]